Thursday, June 11, 2015

Lsub go changes

For the Clive OS being developed at Lsub, we have modified the Go compiler in several important aspects. This post is a copy of a TR documenting the changes we made.


Clive is written using the Go programming language [1]. Clive system services are organized by connecting them through a pipe-like abstraction. Like it has been done in UNIX for decades. The aim is to let applications leverage the CSP programming style while, at the same time, make them work across the network.

The problem with standard Go (or CSP-like) channels is that:

  1. They do not behave well upon errors, regarding termination of pipelines.
  2. They do not convey error messages when errors happen.

Therefore, we modified the channel abstraction as provided by Go to make it a better replacement for traditional pipes. When using channels in Clive's Go, each end of the pipe may close it and the channel implementation takes care of propagating the error indication to the other end. Furthermore, an error string can be supplied when closing a channel and the other end may inquire about the cause of the error. This becomes utterly important when channels cross the network because errors do happen.

For example, consider the pipeline

Figure 1: Example pipeline of processes in clive

In Clive, proc2 can execute this code to receive data from an input channel, modify it, and send the result to an output channel:

        var inc, outc chan[]byte
        for data := range inc {
            ndata := modify(data)
            if ok := outc <-ndata; !ok {
                close(inc, cerror(outc))
        close(outc, cerror(inc))

Should the first process, proc1, terminate normally (or abnormally), it calls close on the inc channel shown in the code excerpt. At this point, the code shown for proc2 executes close(outc, cerror(inc)), which does two things:

  1. retrieves the cause for the close of the input channel, by calling cerror(inc).
  2. closes the output channel providing exactly that error indication, by calling close with a second argument that provides the error.
Therefore, the error at a point of the pipe can be nicely propagated forward. In its interesting to to reconsider the implications of this for examples like that shown for removing files, and for similar system tools.

The most interesting case is when the third process, proc3, decides to cease consuming data. For example, because of an error or because it did find what it wanted. In this case, it calls close on the outc channel shown in the code.

The middle process is not able to send more data from that point in time. Instead of panicing, as the standard Go implementation would do, the send operation now returns false, thus ok becomes false when proc2 tries to send more data. The loop can be broken cleanly, closing also the input channel to signal to the first process that there is no point in producing further data.

Furthermore, all involved processes can retrieve the actual error indicating the source of the problems (which is not just "channel was closed" and can be of more help).

As an aside, the last call to close becomes now a no-operation, because the output channel was already closed, and we don't need to add unnecessary code to prevent the call because in Clive this does not panic, unlike in standard Go.

The important point is that termination of the data stream is easy to handle for the program without resorting to exceptions (or panics), and we know which one is the error, so we can take whatever measures are convenient in each case.

There is a second change required by Clive: application contexts. We had to modify the runtime to include the concept of an application id that is inherited when new processes (goroutines) are created. Also, we had to access the current process (goroutine) id.

These were the two required changes. But, once we had to maintain our own Go compiler, we introduced other changes as well, as a convenience.

The following sections describe the changes made, as a reference for further ports. In all the changes we tried to be conservative and preserve as much as possible the existing structure, to make it easy to upgrade to future versions of the compiler.

Also, just in case we made a mistake regarding assumptions made by the compiler, adding more checks was preferred. The changes look worse but are safer.


The close operation accepts now an optional second argument with the error status, and does not panic if the channel is already closed or is nil. Sending or receiving from a closed channel does not block and does not do anything. A new function cerror returns such error status, if any, for a given channel.

These calls are now equivalent:

        close(c, nil)
        close(c, "")


The type hchan is changed to include an error string embedded in the structure, to preserve the invariant that there are no pointers to collect. This will change in the future, and we will keep an error instead garbage collected as everybode else.
  • runtime/chan.go:/^type.hchan

          type hchan struct {
              qcount   uint           // total data in the queue
              dataqsiz uint           // size of the circular queue
              buf      unsafe.Pointer // points to an array of dataqsiz elements
              elemsize uint16
              errlen   uint16
              closed   uint32
              elemtype *_type // element type
              sendx    uint   // send index
              recvx    uint   // receive index
              recvq    waitq  // list of recv waiters
              sendq    waitq  // list of send waiters
              err      [maxerr]byte
              lock     mutex

    The new fields are errlen and err.

    The standard closechan is now a call to closechan2 with nil as the second argument.

  • runtime/chan.go:/^func.closechan

          func closechan(c *hchan) {
              closechan2(c, nil)

    A new chanerrstr function returns the error string for the types accepted as a second argument to close:

  • runtime/chan.go:/^func.chanerrstr

          func chanerrstr(e interface{}) string {
              if e == nil {
                  return ""
              switch v := e.(type) {
              case nil:
                  return ""
              case stringer:
                  return v.String()
              case error:
                  return v.Error()
              case string:
                  return v
                  panic("close errors must be a string or an error")

    The old closechan is now closechan2:

  • runtime/chan.go:/^func.closechan2

          func closechan2(c *hchan, e interface{}) {
              if c == nil {
              estr := chanerrstr(e)
              if c.closed != 0 {
              c.errlen = uint16(0)
              if estr != "" {
                  n := (*stringStruct)(unsafe.Pointer(&estr)).len
                  if n > maxerr {
                      n = maxerr
                  c.errlen = uint16(n)
                  c.err[c.errlen] = 0
                  p := (*stringStruct)(unsafe.Pointer(&estr)).str
                  memmove(unsafe.Pointer(&c.err[0]), p, uintptr(c.errlen))

    The chansend function is changed not to panic when sending on a closed channel. It will be changed again later to return a boolean indicating if the send could proceed or not. For now, it returns true indicating the send is complete (and discarded).

  • runtime/chan.go:/^func.chansend

          func chansend(...) bool {
              if c.closed != 0 {
                  return true
              // and the same in a few other places that did panic.

    In selectgoImpl we have to change the case for sclose so it does not panic. Instead, selects proceeds without actually doing anything.

  • runtime/select.go:/^sclose

          func selectgoImpl(...) (uintptr, uint16) {
              goto retc

    A new type and a couple of functions permits the user to call cerror() and retrieve the error for a channel (or nil), and to learn if the channel is closed and drained.

  • runtime/chan.go:/^type.chanError

          type chanError string
          func (e chanError) Error() string {
              return string(e)

  • runtime/chan.go:/^func.cerror

          func cerror(c *hchan) error {
              if c == nil {
                  return nil
              if c.closed == 0 || c.errlen == 0 || c.err[0] == 0 {
                  return nil
              msg := gostringn(&c.err[0], int(c.errlen))
              return chanError(msg)

  • runtime/chan.go:/^func.cclosed

          func cclosed(c *hchan) bool {
              if c == nil {
                  return true
              closed := c.closed != 0 && (c.dataqsiz == 0 ||
                  c.qcount <= 0)
              return closed


    The compiler must add cerror and cclosed as new builtins, and must decide which one of closechan and closechan2 should be called.

    We define new constants for nodes that are calls to cerror or cclosed.

  • cmd/compile/internal/gc/syntax.go:/OCCLOSED

          // Node ops.
          const (
              OXXX = iota
              OCCLOSED         // cclosed
              OCERROR          // cerror
              OCLOSE           // close

    We give names for the new constants when printed:

  • cmd/compile/internal/gc/fmt.go:0+/goopnames/+/OCCLOSED/

          var goopnames = []string{
              OCCLOSED:  "cclosed",
              OCERROR:   "cerror",
              OCLOSE:    "close",

    Precedence must be given to cclosed and cerror:

  • cmd/compile/internal/gc/fmt.go:0+/opprec/+/OCCLOSED/

          var opprec = []int{
              OCCLOSED:      8,
              OCERROR:       8,
              OCLOSE:        8,

    Also, exprfmt has to check out if close has one or two arguments and must add cases for cclosed and cerror.

  • cmd/compile/internal/gc/fmt.go:/^func.exprfmt/+/OCLOSE/

          func exprfmt(n *Node, prec int) string {
              case OCLOSE:
                  // nemo: close with 2nd arg
                  if n.Left != nil && n.Right != nil {
                      return fmt.Sprintf("%v(%v, %v)",
                      Oconv(int(n.Op), obj.FmtSharp),
                          n.Left, n.Right)
              case OREAL,
                  OCERROR, OCCLOSED,

    The predefined syms at lex.go must add cerror and cclosed.

  • cmd/compile/internal/gc/lex.go:/cclosed

          var syms = []struct {...} {
              {"cclosed", LNAME, Txxx, OCCLOSED},
              {"cerror", LNAME, Txxx, OCERROR},
              {"close", LNAME, Txxx, OCLOSE},

    The opnames array is auto-generated and we don't have to add entries, but these are them.

  • cmd/compile/internal/gc/opnames.go:/CCLOSED

          var opnames = []string{
              OCCLOSED:         "CCLOSED",
              OCERROR:          "CERROR",
              OCLOSE:           "CLOSE",

    In order.go we must add cclosed and cerror to orderstmt.

  • cmd/compile/internal/gc/order.go:/CCLOSED

          case OAS2,

    In racewalk.go must do the same for racewalknode.

  • cmd/compile/internal/gc/racewalk.go:/CCLOSED

          // should not appear in AST by now
          case OSEND,

    In typecheck1, OCLOSE must accept an optional second argument and don't fail for send-only channels:

  • cmd/compile/internal/gc/typecheck.go:/^func.typecheck1/+/OCLOSE/

          case OCLOSE:
              // nemo: accept opt. second arg and don't fail on close for
              // send only channels.
              args := n.List
              if args == nil {
                  Yyerror("missing argument for close()")
                  n.Type = nil
              if args.Next != nil && args.Next.Next != nil {
                  Yyerror("too many arguments for close()")
                  n.Type = nil
          // nemo: this probably isn'tneeded. n should be ok already.
          n.Left = args.N
          if args.Next != nil {
              n.Right = args.Next.N
          } else {
              n.Right = nil
          n.List = nil
          typecheck(&n.Left, Erv)
          defaultlit(&n.Left, nil)
          l := n.Left
          t := l.Type
          if t == nil {
              n.Type = nil
          if t.Etype != TCHAN {
              Yyerror("invalid operation: %v (non-chan type %v)", n, t)
              n.Type = nil
          if n.Right != nil {
              typecheck(&n.Right, Erv)
              defaultlit(&n.Right, nil)
              t = n.Right.Type
              if t == nil {
                  n.Type = nil
              // TODO: check that the type is string or an error type.
          ok |= Etop
          break OpSwitch

    Also in typecheck1, cclosed and cerror must be processed.

  • cmd/compile/internal/gc/typecheck.go:/^func.typecheck1/+/OCCLOSED/

          case OCCLOSED, OCERROR:
              // nemo: new builtins
              ok |= Erv
              args := n.List
              if args == nil {
                  Yyerror("missing argument for %v", n)
                  n.Type = nil
              if args.Next != nil {
                  Yyerror("too many arguments for %v", n)
                  n.Type = nil
          n.Left = args.N
          n.List = nil
          typecheck(&n.Left, Erv)
          defaultlit(&n.Left, nil)
          l := n.Left
          t := l.Type
          if t == nil {
              n.Type = nil
          if t.Etype != TCHAN {
              Yyerror("invalid operation: %v (non-chan type %v)", n, t)
              n.Type = nil
          if n.Op == OCCLOSED {
              n.Type = Types[TBOOL]
          } else {
              n.Type = errortype
          break OpSwitch

    In checkdefergo we must prevent discarding the result of cclosed and cerror.

  • cmd/compile/internal/gc/typecheck.go:/^func.checkdefergo/+/OCCLOSED/

          case OAPPEND,

    In walkstmt we must check walk the two new builtins.

  • cmd/compile/internal/gc/walk.go:/^func.walkstmt/+/OCCLOSED/

          case OAS,

    In walkexpr, we must check if we have one or two arguments for close and then call one of closechan and closechan2.

  • cmd/compile/internal/gc/walk.go:/^func.walkexpr/+/OCLOSE/

          case OCLOSE:
              if n.Right == nil {
                  fn := syslook("closechan", 1)
                  substArgTypes(fn, n.Left.Type)
                  n = mkcall1(fn, nil, init, n.Left)
              } else {
                  fn := syslook("closechan2", 1)
                  substArgTypes(fn, n.Left.Type)
                  n = mkcall1(fn, nil, init, n.Left, n.Right)
              goto ret

    In walkexpr, we must add calls for the two new builtins:

  • cmd/compile/internal/gc/walk.go:/^func.walkexpr/+/OCCLOSED/

          case OCCLOSED:
              fn := syslook("cclosed", 1)
              substArgTypes(fn, n.Left.Type)
              n = mkcall1(fn, Types[TBOOL], init, n.Left)
              goto ret
          case OCERROR:
              fn := syslook("cerror", 1)
              substArgTypes(fn, n.Left.Type)
              n = mkcall1(fn, errortype, init, n.Left)
              goto ret

    The file builtin.go is generated, but anway these are the new runtime functions called:

  • cmd/compile/internal/gc/builtin.go:/closechan

          "func @\"\".closechan (@\"\".hchan·1 any)\n" +
          "func @\"\".closechan2 (@\"\".hchan·1 any, @\"\".err·2 interface {})\n" +
          "func @\"\".cerror (@\"\".hchan·2 any) (? error)\n" +
          "func @\"\".cclosed (@\"\".hchan·2 any) (? bool)\n" +

    A new file lsub_test.go tests for the changes in close.


    The send operation on a closed chan was changed to proceed, doing nothing in that case. It must be changed to report if the send could be done or not, as in:

          if ok := c <- v; !ok {


    A new function chansend2, replaces chansend1 as the entry point for sends. It returns a bool reporting if the send was done or not (i.e., if the channel was open or closed).
  • runtime/chan.go:/^func.chansend2

          func chansend2(t *chantype, c *hchan, elem unsafe.Pointer) bool {
              if t == nil {
                  return false // prevent this from inlining
              _, did := chansend(t, c, elem, true,
              return did

    The old chansend is changed to return two booleans instead of one: could we send without blocking?, and did the send happen? (i.e., was the channel not closed).

    When it did return false, it now:

  • runtime/chan.go:/^func.chansend\(

          func chansend(...) (bool, bool) {
              if !block {
                  return false, false

    When it did return true because it could send, it now does

          return true, true

    Also, when the channel is found closed:

          if c.closed != 0 {
              return true, false

    Note that this did panic before we changed anything.

    This part of the code is also changed:

          gp.waiting = nil
          done := true
          if gp.param == nil {
              if c.closed == 0 {
                  throw("chansend: spurious wakeup")
              // nemo: don't panic("send on closed channel")
              done = false
          gp.param = nil
          if mysg.releasetime > 0 {
              blockevent(int64(mysg.releasetime)-t0, 2)
          return true, done

    Because of this change, selectnbsend has to be changed to use one of the two returned values.

  • runtime/chan.go:/^func.selectnbsend

          func selectnbsend(...) (selected bool) {
              can, _ := chansend(...)
              return can

    The same happens to reflect_chansend.

  • runtime/chan.go:/^func.reflect_chansend

          func reflect_chansend(...) (selected bool) {
              can, _ := chansend(...)
              return can


    The syntax must now accept using c<-x as a value. In the grammar we must note that
  • cmd/compile/internal/gc/go.y:0+/^expr/+/LCOMM

          expr LCOMM expr
              $$ = Nod(OSEND, $1, $3);

    is now a valid expression once again. This does not change the code, but there was a comment indicating that this was here just to report syntax errors.

    The file builtin.go is generated, but anway this function is added:

  • cmd/compile/internal/gc/builtin.go:/closechan

          "func @\"\".chansend2 (@\"\".chanType·2 *byte, @\"\".hchan·3 chan<- any, @\"\".elem·4 *any) (@\"\".res·1 bool)\n" +

    The function hascallchan is used to see if something has a call to a channel, and must now consider OSEND as part of expressions:

  • cmd/compile/internal/gc/const.go:/^func.hascallchan/+/OSEND

          func hascallchan(n *Node) bool {
              switch n.Op {
              case OAPPEND,
                  return true

    It is ok to use send in assignments in a select. We introduce a new OSELSEND node type that will later be used like OSELRECV nodes. First we define the new node type.

  • cmd/compile/internal/gc/syntax.go:/OSELSEND

          // Node ops.
          const (
              OXXX = iota
              OSELRECV         // case x = <-c:
              OSELRECV2        // case x, ok = <-c:
              OSELSEND         // case ok = c <- x:

    This is generated, but anyway...

  • cmd/compile/internal/gc/opnames.go:/opnames/

          var opnames = []string{
              OSELRECV:         "SELRECV",
              OSELRECV2:        "SELRECV2",
              OSELSEND:         "SELSEND",

    In order, a send can now happen within a expression.

  • cmd/compile/internal/gc/order.go:/^func.orderexpr/

          func orderexpr(np **Node, order *Order, lhs *Node) {
              case OSEND:
                  t := marktemp(order);
                  orderexpr(&n.Left, order, nil)
                  orderexpr(&n.Right, order, nil)
                  orderaddrtemp(&n.Right, order)
                  cleantemp(t, order)

    In select, we must prepare to accept assignments using sends.

  • cmd/compile/internal/gc/select.go:/^func.typecheckselect/+/OAS/

          func typecheckselect(sel *Node) {
              case OAS:
                  switch n.Right.Op {
                  case ORECV:
                      n.Op = OSELRECV
                  case OSEND:
                      // n.Op = OSELSEND
                      Yyerror("BUG: TODO")
                      Yyerror("must have chan op on rhs")

  • cmd/compile/internal/gc/select.go:/^func.walkselect/+/OSEND/

          func walkselect(sel *Node) {
              // optimization: one-case select: single op.
              case OSEND:
                  ch = n.Left
              case OSELSEND:
                  Fatal("walkselect OSELSEND not implemented")
              // convert case value arguments to addresses.
              case OSELSEND:
                  Fatal("walkselect OSELSEND not implemented")
              // optimization: two-case select but one is default
              case OSELSEND:
                  Fatal("walkselect OSELSEND not implemented")
              // register cases
              case OSELSEND:
                  Fatal("walkselect OSELSEND not implemented")

    In typecheck, callrecv must be updated so it does not indicate if a node is just a call or receive, but also a send.

  • cmd/compile/internal/gc/typecheck.go:/^func.callrecv

          func callrecv(n *Node) bool {
              case OCALL,

    The main change is making typecheck1 accept OSEND as Erv.

  • cmd/compile/internal/gc/typecheck.go:/^func.typecheck1/+/OSEND/

          func typecheck1(np **Node, top int) {
              case OSEND:
                  ok |= Etop|Erv
                  // TODO: more aggressive
                  // n.Etype = 0
                  n.Type = Types[TBOOL]
                  break OpSwitch

    Also, in walk, calling chansend2 so it can return its value.

  • cmd/compile/internal/gc/walk.go:/^func.walkexpr/+/OSEND/

          func walkexpr(...) {
              case OSEND:
                  n1 := n.Right
                  n1 = assignconv(n1, n.Left.Type.Type, "chan send")
                  walkexpr(&n1, init)
                  n1 = Nod(OADDR, n1, nil)
                  n = mkcall1(chanfn("chansend2", 2, n.Left.Type),
                      Types[TBOOL], init,
                      typename(n.Left.Type), n.Left, n1)
                  n.Type = Types[TBOOL]
                  goto ret


    This change permits using

          select {
          case ok := c <- v:


    Two new functions accept a pointer to the returned value in sends, one blocks and one doesn't.

  • runtime/chan.go:/^func.chanselsend/

          func chanselsend(t *chantype, c *hchan, elem unsafe.Pointer, okp *bool) bool {
              if t == nil {
                  return false    // prevent this from inlining
              ok, did := chansend(t, c, elem, true, getcallerpc(unsafe.Pointer(&t)))
              if okp != nil {
                  *okp = did
              return ok

          func channbselsend(t *chantype, c *hchan, elem unsafe.Pointer, okp *bool) bool {
              if t == nil {
                  return false    // prevent this from inlining
              ok, did := chansend(t, c, elem, false, getcallerpc(unsafe.Pointer(&t)))
              if okp != nil {
                  *okp = did
              return ok


    In typecheckselect, we will convert cases likeok=c<-v to OSELSEND nodes, like done for receives.
  • cmd/compile/internal/gc/select.go:/^func.typecheckselect/+/OAS/

          case OAS:
              switch n.Right.Op {
              case ORECV:
                  n.Op = OSELRECV
              case OSEND:
                  n.Op = OSELSEND
                  Yyerror("select assignment must have receive on rhs")

    In orderstmt, we must add a case for OSELSEND within OSELECT.

  • cmd/compile/internal/gc/order.go:/^func.orderstmt/+/OSELECT/+/OSELSEND/

          case OSELSEND:
              if r.Colas {
                  t = r.Ninit
                  if t != nil && t.N.Op == ODCL && t.N.Left == r.Left {
                      t = t.Next
                  if t != nil && t.N.Op == ODCL && t.N.Left == r.Ntest {
                      t = t.Next
                  if t == nil {
                      r.Ninit = nil
              if r.Ninit != nil {
                  Yyerror("ninit on select send")
                  dumplist("ninit", r.Ninit)
          // case ok = c <- x
          // r->left is ok, r->right is SEND, r->right->left is c, r->right->right is x
          // r->left == N means 'case c<-x'.
          // c is always evaluated; ok is only evaluated when assigned.
          orderexpr(&r.Right.Left, order, nil)
          if r.Right.Left.Op != ONAME {
              r.Right.Left = ordercopyexpr(r.Right.Left, r.Right.Left.Type, order, 0)
          if r.Left != nil && isblank(r.Left) {
              r.Left = nil
          if r.Left != nil {
              tmp1 = r.Left
              if r.Colas {
                  tmp2 = Nod(ODCL, tmp1, nil)
                  typecheck(&tmp2, Etop)
                  l.N.Ninit = list(l.N.Ninit, tmp2)
              r.Left = ordertemp(tmp1.Type, order, false)
              tmp2 = Nod(OAS, tmp1, r.Left)
              typecheck(&tmp2, Etop)
              l.N.Ninit = list(l.N.Ninit, tmp2)

    We keep the old OSEND case within selects to leave the previous setup undisturbed, in case we introduce any bugs.

    In walkselect, we must handle the new case. First in the one-case select.

  • cmd/compile/internal/gc/select.go:/^func.walkselect/+/OSELSEND/

          // optimization: one-case select: single op.
          case OSELSEND:
              ch = n.Right.Left
              if n.Op == OSELSEND || n.Ntest == nil {
                  if n.Left == nil {
                      n = n.Right
                  } else {
                      n.Op = OAS
              Fatal("walkselect OSELSEND with OAS2")

    Then while converting case arguments to addresses.

          // convert case value arguments to addresses.
          case OSELSEND:
              n.Left = Nod(OADDR, n.Left, nil)
              typecheck(&n.Left, Erv)
              n.Right.Right = Nod(OADDR, n.Right.Right, nil)
              typecheck(&n.Right.Right, Erv)

    Next, in the two-case select with default optimization.

          // optimization: two-case select but one is default
          case OSELSEND:
              r = Nod(OIF, nil, nil)
              r.Ninit = cas.Ninit
              ch := n.Right.Left
              r.Ntest = mkcall1(chanfn("channbselsend", 2, ch.Type),
                  Types[TBOOL], &r.Ninit, typename(ch.Type),
                  ch, n.Right.Right, n.Left)

    Finally, in the plain select cases.

          // register cases
          case OSELSEND:
              r.Ntest = mkcall1(chanfn("chanselsend", 2, n.Right.Left.Type),
                  Types[TBOOL], &r.Ninit, var_,
                  n.Right.Left, n.Right.Right, n.Left)

    The file builtin.go is generated, but anway this is added:

  • cmd/compile/internal/gc/builtin.go:/channbselsend

          "func @\"\".channbselsend (@\"\".chanType·2 *byte, @\"\".hchan·3 chan<- any, @\"\".elem·4 *any, @\"\".okp·5 *bool) (@\"\".res·1 bool)\n" +
          "func @\"\".chanselsend (@\"\".chanType·2 *byte, @\"\".hchan·3 chan<- any, @\"\".elem·4 *any, @\"\".okp·5 *bool) (@\"\".res·1 bool)\n" +


    This change provides each process (goroutine) with a new application id, inherited when new processes are created.

    First, a new gappid is added to g.

  • runtime/runtime2.go:/^.readyg /

          type g struct {
              readyg       *g
              gappid       int64

    It is initialized to the goid for top-level processes.

  • runtime/proc1.go:/^func.newextram

          func newextram() {
              gp.goid = int64(xadd64(&sched.goidgen, 1))
              gp.gappid = gp.goid

  • runtime/proc.go:/^func.main

          func main() {
              g := getg()
              g.gappid = g.goid

    And it is inherited. We pass the application id as an argumetn because systemstack is likely to run on g0 and not on the caller process context.

  • runtime/proc1.go:/^/func.newproc\(

          func newproc(...) {
              argp := add(unsafe.Pointer(&fn), ptrSize)
              pc := getcallerpc(unsafe.Pointer(&siz))
              appid := int64(0)
              if _g_ := getg(); _g_ != nil {
                  appid = _g_.gappid
              systemstack(func() {
                  newproc1(fn, (*uint8)(argp), siz, 0, appid, pc)

          func newproc1(..., appid int64,...) {
              newg.goid = int64(_p_.goidcache)
              newg.gappid = appid

    The interface for the user is like follows.

  • runtime/proc.go:/^/func.AppId

          // Return the application id for the current process (goroutine).
          func AppId() int64 {
              g := getg()
              return g.gappid
          // Return the process id (goroutine id)
          func GoId() int64 {
              g := getg()
              return g.goid
          // Make the current process the leader of a new application, with its own id
          // set to that of the process id.
          func NewApp() {
              g := getg()
              g.gappid = g.goid


    This change was not strictly required, but, because we had to change the compiler as shown before, it was made for the programmer's convenience.

    The change introduces a new doselect construct that is a looping select (similar to CSP's do control structure). Within the construct, a break breaks the entire loop and a continue continues looping. This is an example:

          doselect {
          case <-a:
          case <-b:
              if foo {
          case <-c: {
              if bar {

    The meaning is:

          for {
              select {
              case <-a:
              case <-b:
                  if foo {
                      break Loop
              case <-c: {
                  if bar {
                      continue Loop

    First, we add a new token for doselect.

  • cmd/compile/internal/gc/go.y:/LDOSELECT/

          %token    <sym>    LTYPE LVAR
          %token    <sym>    LDOSELECT

    Then we add it to the lexer.

  • cmd/compile/internal/gc/lex.go:/func._yylex/+/LDOSELECT/

              loophack = 1 // see comment about loophack above

  • cmd/compile/internal/gc/lex.go:/^var.syms/+/LDOSELECT/

          var syms = ... {
              {"default", LDEFAULT, Txxx, OXXX},
              {"doselect", LDOSELECT, Txxx, OXXX},
              {"else", LELSE, Txxx, OXXX},

  • cmd/compile/internal/gc/lex.go:/^var.lexn/+/LDOSELECT/

          var lexn = ... {
              {LDEFER, "DEFER"},
              {LDOSELECT, "DOSELECT"},
              {LELSE, "ELSE"},

  • cmd/compile/internal/gc/lex.go:/^var.yytfix/+/LDOSELECT/

          var yytfix = ... {
              {LDEFER, "DEFER"},
              {LDOSELECT, "DOSELECT"},
              {LELSE, "ELSE"},

    The grammar is changed to include the construct. A doselect is built as a for with a select in it, but the node for select uses ODOSELECT instead of OSELECT, to let us handle breaks.

  • cmd/compile/internal/gc/go.y:/select_stmtd/

          %type    <node>    doselect_stmt  doselect_hdr

  • cmd/compile/internal/gc/go.y:/^non_dcl_stmt/

          |    select_stmt
          |    doselect_stmt

  • cmd/compile/internal/gc/go.y:/^doselect_stmt/

                  // for
                  // select
                  typesw = Nod(OXXX, typesw, nil);
              LBODY caseblock_list '}'
                  // select
                  nd := Nod(ODOSELECT, nil, nil);
                  nd.Lineno = typesw.Lineno;
                  nd.List = $6;
                  typesw = typesw.Left;
                  // for
                  $$ = $3;
                  $$.Nbody = list1(nd)

    The header works like in a for construct, so we can do things like limit the number of loops, etc.

  • cmd/compile/internal/gc/go.y:/^doselect_hdr/

              osimple_stmt ';' osimple_stmt ';' osimple_stmt
                  // init ; test ; incr
                  if $5 != nil && $5.Colas {
                      Yyerror("cannot declare in the doselect-increment");
                  $$ = Nod(OFOR, nil, nil);
                  if $1 != nil {
                      $$.Ninit = list1($1);
                  $$.Ntest = $3;
                  $$.Nincr = $5;
          |    osimple_stmt
                  // normal test
                  $$ = Nod(OFOR, nil, nil);
                  $$.Ntest = $1;

    A new node ODOSELECT is added mainly to handle break and continue as expected in the new construct.

  • cmd/compile/internal/gc/syntax.go:/OSELECT/

          // Node ops.
          const (
              OXXX = iota
              OSELECT   // select
              ODOSELECT // doselect

  • cmd/compile/internal/gc/fmt.go:/^var.goopnames/

          var goopnames = []string{
              OSELECT:   "select",
              ODOSELECT: "doselect",

  • cmd/compile/internal/gc/fmt.go:/^func.stmtfmt/+/OSELECT/

          func stmtfmt(n *Node) string {
              case OSELECT, ODOSELECT, OSWITCH:

  • cmd/compile/internal/gc/fmt.go:/^var.opprec/

          var opprec = []int{
              OSELECT:     -1,
              ODOSELECT:   -1,

    This one is generated, but anyway...

  • cmd/compile/internal/gc/opnames.go

          OSELECT:          "SELECT",
          ODOSELECT:        "DOSELECT",

    Now we have to honor the new node. In general, a ODOSELECT is to be handled as a OSELECT node, because it is already within a OFOR node.

  • cmd/compile/internal/gc/inl.go:/^func.ishairy/+/OSELECT/

          func ishairy(n *Node, budget *int) bool {
              case OCLOSURE,

  • cmd/compile/internal/gc/order.go:/^func.orderstmt\(/+/OSELECT/

          func orderstmt(n *Node, order *Order) {
              case OSELECT, ODOSELECT:

  • cmd/compile/internal/gc/racewalk.go:/^func.racewalknode\(/+/OSELECT/

          func racewalknode(np **Node, init **NodeList, wr int, skip int) {
              // just do generic traversal
              case OFOR,

  • cmd/compile/internal/gc/typecheck.go:/^func.typecheck1\(/+/OSELECT/

          func typecheck1(np **Node, top int) {
              case OSELECT, ODOSELECT:
                  ok |= Etop
                  break OpSwitch

  • cmd/compile/internal/gc/typecheck.go:/^func.markbreak\(/+/OSELECT/

          func markbreak(n *Node, implicit *Node) {
              case OFOR,
                  implicit = n

  • cmd/compile/internal/gc/typecheck.go:/^func.markbreaklist\(/+/OSELECT/

          func markbreaklist(...) {
              case OFOR,

  • cmd/compile/internal/gc/typecheck.go:/^func.isterminating\(/+/OSELECT/

          func isterminating(...) {
                  if n.Hasbreak {
                      return false
              if n.Op != OSELECT && n.Op != ODOSELECT && def == 0 {
                  return false

  • cmd/compile/internal/gc/walk.go:/^func.walkstmt\(/+/OSELECT/

          func walkstmt(np **Node) {
              case OSELECT, ODOSELECT:

  • cmd/compile/internal/gc/gen.go:/^func.gen\(/+/OSELECT/

          func gen(n *Node) {
              if n.Defn != nil {
                  switch n.Defn.Op {
                  // so stmtlabel can find the label
                  case OFOR, OSWITCH, OSELECT, ODOSELECT:
                      n.Defn.Sym = lab.Sym

    And this is the main change for a ODOSELECT. It works like a select but does not redefine the user break PC, so that breaks and continues always refer to the enclosing, implicit, for loop.

    The idea is that implicit breaks inserted by the compiler will not be OBREAK, but OCBREAK. The new OCBREAK is a compiler-inserted break and gen.go can skip those breaks when jumping on break and continue within doselect structures.

  • cmd/compile/internal/gc/syntax.go:/OBREAK

          // Node ops.
          const (
              OXXX = iota
              OBREAK    // break
              OCBREAK    // break generated by the compiler

  • cmd/compile/internal/gc/opnames.go:/OCBREAK

          OBREAK:           "BREAK",
          OCBREAK:          "CBREAK",

  • cmd/compile/internal/gc/fmt.go:/^var.goopnames/

          var goopnames = []string{
              OBREAK:    "break",
              OCBREAK:    "break",

  • cmd/compile/internal/gc/fmt.go:/^func.stmtfmt/

          func stmtfmt(n *Node) string {
              case OBREAK, OCBREAK,

  • cmd/compile/internal/gc/fmt.go:/^var.opprec/

          var opprec = []int{
              OBREAK:      -1,
              OCBREAK:      -1,

    In select we insert OCBREAK nodes instead of OBREAK, which are now left for the user breaks.

  • cmd/compile/internal/gc/select.go:/^func.racewalknode/

          func walkselect(sel *Node) {
              r.Nbody = concat(r.Nbody, cas.Nbody)
              r.Nbody = list(r.Nbody, Nod(OCBREAK, nil, nil))
              init = list(init, r)

    The same must be done in swt for switches.

  • cmd/compile/internal/gc/swt.go:/^func.casebody/

          func casebody(sw *Node, typeswvar *Node) {
              var cas *NodeList  // cases
              var stat *NodeList // statements
              var def *Node      // defaults
              br := Nod(OCBREAK, nil, nil)

  • cmd/compile/internal/gc/swt.go:/^func.*exprswitch.*walk/

          func (s *exprSwitch) walk(sw *Node) {
              if len(cc) > 0 && cc[0].typ == caseKindDefault {
                  def = cc[0].node.Right
                  cc = cc[1:]
              } else {
                  def = Nod(OCBREAK, nil, nil)

  • cmd/compile/internal/gc/swt.go:/^func.*typeSwitch.*walk/

          func (s *typeSwitch) walk(sw *Node) {
              if len(cc) > 0 && cc[0].typ == caseKindDefault {
                  def = cc[0].node.Right
                  cc = cc[1:]
              } else {
                  def = Nod(OCBREAK, nil, nil)

    And almost all processing is shared with the user OBREAK node.

  • cmd/compile/internal/gc/order.go:/^func.orderstmt/

          func orderstmt(n *Node, order *Order) {
              case OBREAK, OCBREAK,

  • cmd/compile/internal/gc/racewalk.go:/^func.racewalknode/

          func racewalknode(...) {
              case OFOR,

  • cmd/compile/internal/gc/typecheck.go:/^func.typecheck1/

          func typecheck1(np **Node, top int) {
              case OBREAK,

  • cmd/compile/internal/gc/typecheck.go:/^func.markbreak/

          func markbreak(n *Node, implicit *Node) {
              switch n.Op {
              case OBREAK, OCBREAK:

  • cmd/compile/internal/gc/walk.go:/^func.markbreak/

          func func walkstmt(np **Node) {
              case OBREAK,

    Here is where things start to change. A new ubreakpc records the PC for user (not compiler) breaks.

  • cmd/compile/internal/gc/go.go:/^var.breakpc/

          var breakpc, ubreakpc *obj.Prog

  • cmd/compile/internal/gc/pgen.go:/^func.compile/+/breakpc/

          func compile(fn *Node) {
              continpc = nil
              breakpc = nil
              ubreakpc = nil

    The code in gen is changed now so that ubreakpc is recorded for user breaks but not for compiler-inserted breaks.

    The processing for OBREAK and OCBREAK differs in the breakpc used (which is be ubreakpc for user breaks).

    Processing for ODOSELECT is like that for OSELECT but does not redefine the user break, so that breaks and continues refer to the enclosing for loop inserted by the compiler.

  • cmd/compile/internal/gc/gen.go:/^func.gen/+/^.case.OBREAK/

          case OBREAK, OCBREAK:
              if breakpc == nil || ubreakpc == nil {
                  Yyerror("break is not in a loop")
              if n.Op == OBREAK {
              } else {

  • cmd/compile/internal/gc/gen.go:/^func.gen/+/^.case.OFOR/

          case OFOR:
              sbreak, subreak := breakpc, ubreakpc
              p1 := gjmp(nil)     //        goto test
              breakpc = gjmp(nil) // break:    goto done
              ubreakpc = breakpc
              Patch(breakpc, Pc) // done:
              Patch(ubreakpc, Pc) // done:
              continpc = scontin
              breakpc, ubreakpc = sbreak, subreak
              if lab != nil {
                  lab.Breakpc = nil
                  lab.Continpc = nil

  • cmd/compile/internal/gc/gen.go:/^func.gen/+/^.case.OSWITCH/

          case OSWITCH:
              sbreak, subreak := breakpc, ubreakpc
              p1 := gjmp(nil)     //        goto test
              breakpc = gjmp(nil) // break:    goto done
              ubreakpc = breakpc
              // define break label
              lab := stmtlabel(n)
              if lab != nil {
                  lab.Breakpc = breakpc
              Patch(p1, Pc)      // test:
              Genlist(n.Nbody)   //        switch(test) body
              Patch(breakpc, Pc) // done:
              Patch(ubreakpc, Pc) // done:
              breakpc, ubreakpc = sbreak, subreak
              if lab != nil {
                  lab.Breakpc = nil

  • cmd/compile/internal/gc/gen.go:/^func.gen/+/^.case.OSELECT/

          case OSELECT, ODOSELECT:
              sbreak, subreak := breakpc, ubreakpc
              p1 := gjmp(nil)     //        goto test
              breakpc = gjmp(nil) // break:    goto done
              if n.Op == OSELECT {
                  ubreakpc = breakpc
              // define break label
              lab := stmtlabel(n)
              if lab != nil {
                  lab.Breakpc = breakpc
              Patch(p1, Pc)      // test:
              Genlist(n.Nbody)   //        select() body
              Patch(breakpc, Pc) // done:
              breakpc = sbreak
              if n.Op == OSELECT {
                  Patch(ubreakpc, Pc) // done:
                  ubreakpc = subreak
              if lab != nil {
                  lab.Breakpc = nil


    This is yet another convenience change, added because we already had to change the compiler.

    In most cases types are struct types. It can be easy for the compiler in certain cases to assume that a type declaration where the struct keyword is missing is a struct type declaration. We assume that a structure is declared if we see something like

          type Point {
              x, y int

    while a type is declared (i.e., in the typedcl node of the grammar).

    In the same way, because interface{} is a very popular type for channels in Clive, the interface keyword can be removed when declaring the type for a channel. These two are equivalent:

          chan {}
          chan interface{}

    The changes in the grammar are as shown here.

  • cmd/compile/internal/gc/go.y

          %type    <node>    implstructtype implinterfacetype
              typedclname ntype
                  $$ = typedcl1($1, $2, true);
              typedclname implstructtype
                  $$ = typedcl1($1, $2, true);
              lbrace structdcl_list osemi '}'
                  $$ = Nod(OTSTRUCT, nil, nil);
                  $$.List = $2;
          |    lbrace '}'
                  $$ = Nod(OTSTRUCT, nil, nil);
              lbrace '}'
                  $$ = Nod(OTINTER, nil, nil);
          |    LCHAN non_recvchantype
                  $$ = Nod(OTCHAN, $2, nil);
                  $$.Etype = Cboth;
          |    LCHAN LCOMM ntype
                  $$ = Nod(OTCHAN, $3, nil);
                  $$.Etype = Csend;
          |    LCHAN implinterfacetype
                  $$ = Nod(OTCHAN, $2, nil);
                  $$.Etype = Cboth;
          |    LCHAN LCOMM implinterfacetype
                  $$ = Nod(OTCHAN, $3, nil);
                  $$.Etype = Csend;
              LCOMM LCHAN ntype
                  $$ = Nod(OTCHAN, $3, nil);
                  $$.Etype = Crecv;
              LCOMM LCHAN implinterfacetype
                  $$ = Nod(OTCHAN, $3, nil);
                  $$.Etype = Crecv;


    Previous changes should suffice, given that the compiler is now written in Go. However, there is a go package that contains yet another parser for the language, and it has to be changed as well. Most Go tools (commands) use it, and we must update it.


    We must add <- in the predecende table. To preserve the levels, hardwired into gofmt, we set for the send operation the lowest one.
  • /usr/local/go/src/go/token/token.go:/^.LowestPrec

          const (
              LowestPrec  = 0 // non-operators
              UnaryPrec   = 6
              HighestPrec = 7
          func (op Token) Precedence() int {
              switch op {
              case ARROW, LOR:
                  return 1
              case LAND:
                  return 2
              case EQL, NEQ, LSS, LEQ, GTR, GEQ:
                  return 3
              case ADD, SUB, OR, XOR:
                  return 4
              case MUL, QUO, REM, SHL, SHR, AND, AND_NOT:
                  return 5
              return LowestPrec


    The main change id adding DOSELECT as a new token.
  • /usr/local/go/src/go/token/token.go

          // The list of tokens.
          const (
          var tokens = [...]string{
              DEFAULT:     "default",
              DEFER:       "defer",
              DOSELECT:    "doselect",
              ELSE:        "else",
              FALLTHROUGH: "fallthrough",
              FOR:         "for",

    The AST must include a DoSelectStmt.

  • /usr/local/go/src/go/ast/ast.go:/^.DoSelectStmt

          // A DoSelectStmt node represents a doselect statement.
          DoSelectStmt struct {
              DoSelect token.Pos  // position of "doselect" keyword
              Init Stmt           // initialization statement; or nil
              Cond Expr           // condition; or nil
              Post Stmt           // post iteration statement; or nil
              Body   *BlockStmt   // CommClauses only

    And its methods...

  • /usr/local/go/src/go/ast/ast.go

          func (s *SelectStmt) Pos() token.Pos     { return s.Select }
          func (s *DoSelectStmt) Pos() token.Pos   { return s.DoSelect }
          func (s *SelectStmt) End() token.Pos { return s.Body.End() }
          func (s *DoSelectStmt) End() token.Pos { return s.Body.End() }
          func (*SelectStmt) stmtNode()     {}
          func (*DoSelectStmt) stmtNode()   {}

    Plus a walk for it.

  • /usr/local/go/src/go/ast/walk.go

          func Walk(v Visitor, node Node) {
              case *DoSelectStmt:
                  if n.Init != nil {
                      Walk(v, n.Init)
                  if n.Cond != nil {
                      Walk(v, n.Cond)
                  if n.Post != nil {
                      Walk(v, n.Post)
                  Walk(v, n.Body)
              case *ForStmt:

    Then the parser. There is a new statement to synchronize on errors.

  • /usr/local/go/src/go/parser/parser.go:/^func.syncStmt\(

          func syncStmt(p *parser) {
              for {
                  switch p.tok {
                  case token.BREAK, ...
                      token.DOSELECT, ...
                  case token.EOF:

    And there is a new statement.

  • /usr/local/go/src/go/parser/parser.go:/^func.parseStmt\(

          func (p *parser) parseStmt() (s ast.Stmt) {
              case token.SELECT:
                  s = p.parseSelectStmt()
              case token.DOSELECT:
                  s = p.parseDoSelectStmt()

    The parsing is taken from the parsing of a for header and a select body.

  • /usr/local/go/src/go/parser/parser.go:/^func.parseStmt\(

          func (p *parser) parseDoSelectStmt() *ast.DoSelectStmt {
              if p.trace {
                  defer un(trace(p, "DoSelectStmt"))
              pos := p.expect(token.DOSELECT)
              defer p.closeScope()
              var s1, s2, s3 ast.Stmt
              if p.tok != token.LBRACE {
                  prevLev := p.exprLev
                  p.exprLev = -1
                  if p.tok != token.SEMICOLON {
                      isRange := false
                      if p.tok == token.RANGE {
                          isRange = true
                      } else {
                          s2, isRange = p.parseSimpleStmt(basic)
                      if isRange {
                          p.error(pos, "unexpected range")
                          // but ignore it for now
                  if p.tok == token.SEMICOLON {
                      s1 = s2
                      s2 = nil
                      if p.tok != token.SEMICOLON {
                          s2, _ = p.parseSimpleStmt(basic)
                      if p.tok != token.LBRACE {
                          s3, _ = p.parseSimpleStmt(basic)
                  p.exprLev = prevLev
              lbrace := p.expect(token.LBRACE)
              var list []ast.Stmt
              for p.tok == token.CASE || p.tok == token.DEFAULT {
                  list = append(list, p.parseCommClause())
              rbrace := p.expect(token.RBRACE)
              body := &ast.BlockStmt{Lbrace: lbrace, List: list, Rbrace: rbrace}
              return &ast.DoSelectStmt {
                  DoSelect: pos,
                  Init: s1,
                  Cond: p.makeExpr(s2, "boolean expression"),
                  Post: s3,
                  Body: body,

    Now we can print it.

  • /usr/local/go/src/go/printer/nodes.go:/^func.*printer.*stmt\(/

          func (p *printer) stmt(stmt ast.Stmt, nextIsRBrace bool) {
              case *ast.DoSelectStmt:
                  p.print(token.DOSELECT, blank)
                  p.controlClause(true, s.Init, s.Cond, s.Post)
                  body := s.Body
                  if len(body.List) == 0 && !p.commentBefore(p.posFor(body.Rbrace)) {
                      // print empty select statement w/o comments on one line
                      p.print(body.Lbrace, token.LBRACE, body.Rbrace, token.RBRACE)
                  } else {
                      p.block(body, 0)


    We are going to flag StructType for implicit struct and interface declarations.
  • /usr/local/go/src/go/ast/ast.go:/^.StructType

          // A StructType node represents a struct type.
          StructType struct {
              Struct     token.Pos  // position of "struct" keyword
              Fields     *FieldList // list of field declarations
              Incomplete bool
              Implicit bool

  • /usr/local/go/src/go/ast/ast.go:/^.InterfaceType

          // An InterfaceType node represents an interface type.
          InterfaceType struct {
              Interface  token.Pos  // position of "interface" keyword
              Methods    *FieldList // list of methods
              Incomplete bool
              Implicit bool

    Globals in the parser records if we can accept implicit keywords.

  • /usr/local/go/src/go/parser/parser.go:/^type.parser

          type parser struct {
              implStructOk, implInterOk bool

    In a global type declaration, we accept struct to be implicit. This is not exactly what the Go compiler does, but it is close enough.

  • /usr/local/go/src/go/parser/parser.go:/^func.*parser.*parseDecl\(

          func (p *parser) parseDecl(sync func(*parser)) ast.Decl {
              if p.trace {
                  defer un(trace(p, "Declaration"))
              p.implStructOk = false
              defer func() {p.implStructOk = false}()
              var f parseSpecFunction
              switch p.tok {
              case token.TYPE:
                  p.implStructOk = true
                  f = p.parseTypeSpec
              return p.parseGenDecl(p.tok, f)

  • /usr/local/go/src/go/parser/parser.go:/^func.*parser.*parseGenDecl\(

          func (p *parser) parseGenDecl(...) *ast.GenDecl {
              old := p.implStructOk
              for ... {
                  p.implStructOk = old
                  list = append(...)

    Later, parseStructType can honor the flag.

  • /usr/local/go/src/go/parser/parser.go:/^func.*parser.*parseStructType\(

          func (p *parser) parseStructType() *ast.StructType {
              if p.trace {
                  defer un(trace(p, "StructType"))
              var pos, lbrace token.Pos
              implicit := p.implStructOk
              if implicit  && p.tok == token.LBRACE {
                  pos = p.expect(token.LBRACE)
                  lbrace = pos
              } else {
                  pos = p.expect(token.STRUCT)
                  lbrace = p.expect(token.LBRACE)
              old := p.implStructOk
              p.implStructOk = false
              defer func() {p.implStructOk = old}()
              scope := ast.NewScope(nil) // struct scope
              return &ast.StructType{
                  Struct: pos,
                  Fields: &ast.FieldList{
                      Opening: lbrace,
                      List:    list,
                      Closing: rbrace,
                  Implicit: implicit,

    The flag is saved, cleared, and restored to prevent implicit struct declarations anywhere but at the top-level.

    To accept implicit interface declarations, we set the flag while declaring a channel type.

  • /usr/local/go/src/go/parser/parser.go:/^func.*parser.*parseChanType\(

          func (p *parser) parseChanType() *ast.ChanType {
              p.implInterOk = true
              value := p.parseType()
              p.implInterOk = false

    And parseInterfaceType takes care of the flag.

  • /usr/local/go/src/go/parser/parser.go:/^func.*parser.*parseInterfaceType\(

          func (p *parser) parseInterfaceType() *ast.InterfaceType {
              if p.trace {
                  defer un(trace(p, "InterfaceType"))
              var pos, lbrace token.Pos
              implicit := p.implInterOk
              if implicit  && p.tok == token.LBRACE {
                  pos = p.expect(token.LBRACE)
                  lbrace = pos
              } else {
                  pos = p.expect(token.INTERFACE)
                  lbrace = p.expect(token.LBRACE)
              p.implInterOk = false
              scope := ast.NewScope(nil) // interface scope
              var list []*ast.Field
              for p.tok == token.IDENT {
                  list = append(list, p.parseMethodSpec(scope))
              if implicit && len(list) > 0 {
                  p.error(pos, "ok only for empty interfaces")
              rbrace := p.expect(token.RBRACE)
              return &ast.InterfaceType{
                  Interface: pos,
                  Methods: &ast.FieldList{
                      Opening: lbrace,
                      List:    list,
                      Closing: rbrace,
                  Implicit: implicit,

    This time we clear the flag right after using it, because the implicit interface declaration works only right after the chan keyword (but for send/receive only indications).

    In the printer, we define

  • /usr/local/go/src/go/printer/printer.go:/^type.Config

          type Config struct {
              Mode     Mode // default: 0
              Tabwidth int  // default: 8
              Indent   int  // default: 0 (all code is indented at least by this much)
              DontPrintImplicits bool

    The flag DontPrintImplicits may be set by the code using this package to instruct nodes not to print the implicit keywords. By default, they are printed.

    The gofmt command is given a flag to set it.

  • /usr/local/go/src/cmd/gofmt/gofmt.go

          var noImpls = flag.Bool("S", false,
              "omit struct keyword in top-level type declarations")

    And to process file...

  • /usr/local/go/src/cmd/gofmt/gofmt.go:/^func.processFile

          func processFile(...) error {
              cfg := printer.Config{..., DontPrintImplicits: noImpls}
              res, err := format.Format(..., cfg)

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