Friday, July 12, 2013

Selfish allocators in action

This is the output from the alloc device. The last few lines show that for paths,
chans, and, what is more important, I/O blocks, most of the times a process
could do the allocation by itself. It took a free structure out of the small number
of structures that are kept in the process structure in case it later allocates
whatever it liberated before.
For example, 13891 block allocations were done without reaching the central block allocator,
and 14440 were done using the block allocator.

Ouch!, the writing was a mistake!. It's 13891 self-allocations out of a total of 14440 allocations. I'm making this note editing the post. Thus, note that almost all of the allocations are a self-service, not just half of the allocations.

This is utterly important for many-core machines. Half Most of the times it's a self-service.

I will post here a paper describing the allocator in a near future.

% cat /dev/alloc
3473408/67108864 cache bytes
72/100 cache segs 0/0 reclaims 1 procs
0/7 rpcs
98/102 segs
12/100 text segs 0/0 reclaims
1071104000 memory
15663104 kernel
0/0 1G pages 0 user 0 kernel 0 bundled 0 split
0/496 2M pages 0 user 0 kernel 0 bundled 6 split
423/968 16K pages 229 user 194 kernel 0 bundled 0 split
82/99 4K pages 0 user 82 kernel 3792 bundled 0 split
6/6 pgas
1447/1509 pgs
169/181 path 5535/5716 self allocs 5563/5575 self frees
103/123 chan 7269/7392 self allocs 7297/7317 self frees
13796608/14192640 malloc 1 segs
56/63 block 13891/14440 self allocs 13945/14438 self frees
0/8388608 ialloc bytes
61/82 mmu 4096 pages

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